
The Cristo Rey Foundation

The monastery was established from the Carmel of San Jose y Santa Teresa in Guadalajara, Mexico, on May 20, 1695.

This foundation, in turn, came from the Carmel of San Jose in Puebla, Mexico, which was established on December 26, 1604, under the spiritual guidance of the Carmel of Caravaca, Spain, founded in 1576 by our Holy Mother St. Teresa of Jesus.

Searching for Freedom

During the Cristero War (1926-1929), the anticlerical Mexican government mercilessly persecuted Catholics, leading to the suppression of religious celebrations and the execution of those who refused to abandon the Catholic Church.

Many Religious fled the country to escape the oppressive government's terrorizing regime of firing squads and executions. Among them were our Carmelite Nuns from the Carmel of San Jose and Santa Teresa in Guadalajara, Mexico.

The Discalced Carmelite Nuns of Guadalajara, MX in San Francisco, CA

Despite being forced out of their cloistered monastery, these nuns, by the grace of God, continued to gather secretly to maintain their contemplative way of life focused on prayer, penance, and sacrifice.

The Legacy Begins

With the help of Our Lady, the Discalced Carmelite Nuns eventually traveled to the United States in search of religious freedom. Upon arriving in San Francisco and receiving assistance from new friends, they established the Carmelite Monastery of Cristo Rey, and resumed their life of consecration and prayer, leaving a legacy for our world today.

¡Viva Cristo Rey!

We hold dear our Carmelite vocation as we continue the legacy of our Foundresses, who left their homes to continue loving and serving the Lord while saving souls in freedom.

Now, almost a century later, our quiet community remains nestled in the bustling streets of San Francisco, CA.